Berapa lama…?

The biggest problem that I’m facing right now ialah aku akan automatically terjaga between 4.00 – 5.00 am every day without fail… dan akan terus teringat that ONLY ONE PARTICULAR PERSON. Dan aku akan susah nak tidur semula sampailah ke subuh. I’ve been facing this for the past few months until now. Penat la weh… penat.
And the reason aku pi berlari everyday lepas balik kerja bukan je untuk kesihatan dan hilangkan lemak-lemak tepu kat badan ni. Tapi sebenarnya just to get myself tired so that I can tidur mati lepas tu.. But then.. awal-awal pagi je mesti terjaga.
I don’t know la berapa lama aku kena hadapi semua ni. Months.. years.. or for the rest of my life? πππ
p/s: Sorry.. banyak post merapu sebab mental tak berapa nak stabil. Hahaha..
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